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康桥.知园 销售体验中心

7065 2017-08-28T19:11:05 16 [佳作]
设计师: 刘丽
康桥.知园 销售体验中心说明:

项目名称:康桥.知园 销售体验中心

Project Name: Kangqiao · Knowing Garden Sales Center


Design Team: : Zhengzhou Zhuxiang Architectural Decoration Design Co., Ltd


Project Area: 1800㎡

设计主案:刘丽 孟祥凯

Chief Designers: Liu Li, Meng Xiangkai

参与设计: 宁静 闵华 唐真

Design Assistants: Ning Jing, Min Hua, Tang Zhen


Design Time: Feb 2016


Open Time: Oct 2016


Main Materials: silk fabric, griege wall hangings, brushed bronze plate, dyeing wood with bronze mist, (white, gray) granite, bamboo.

摄    影:如初摄影工作室

Photographer: Ruchu Photography Studio

文    案:刘丽

Copy writer: Liu Li


Key Words


Sentiment of literati/noble books center/simple/elegant/freehand/natural



Reconstruction of cultural etiquettes


Knowing what to think, to want and to do


---Those who know what to think know themselves; those who know what to want do good deed. Knowing is a premise for doing, doing is a way to achieve knowing; knowing is a beginning of doing, doing is the result of knowing, the two support each other, unable to be separated, do what you say, be what you profess to be, knowledge and action are one


    The project bases itself on three knowing books center as key function, which is designed in all residences by the house provider. As the first attempt to support communities, the project has the knowing garden sales center set on the first floor of the books center, where owners could feel the connection between reading and coming life, experiencing the poetic comfort granted by books and culture in daily life


   Memories of books are hidden in the heart of everyone, relying on the current structural styles, designers arose the emotional resonances of owners to books and etiquettes, forming a brand new interaction with spaces.


Broken strokes, writing brush, classics and wash painting all are restructured in harmonious spaces, which automatically arose the moves hidden in memories of owners, for the brand new carrier for restructuring, the emotions in memories are led to the future. Purified blanks left on purpose on the floor and walls both lead all to the perception and interaction to spaces, the cares of behaviors and spiritual emotion are nature of design. The high baseboards at the entrance to hall and wooden ceilings are to create an elegance and quietness like royal academies, and book shelves are adopted to form different spaces and functional areas. Bases for prop display and book tables both are designed with books, and other materials are hidden on purpose and controlled to single vacancy, which aims to trigger sentiment of literati through books, and the living styles of ancient scholars are what we yearn for and an ultimate goal. In additional professional works on the second floor, it is designed with diverse places for interaction where all kinds of cultural parties and activities can be held. The age scope covers all family members from children area to calligraphy and paintings of the aged, then to coffee till the reading area for young people; Study all details to be cared in the books center, from the first floor to the second one, each detail designed is processed carefully and then executed in specific spaces, relying the space experience and feeling, owners are induced to a thirst of good life.







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