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16178 2019-08-26T12:14:43 21 [佳作]
设计机构: 河南拙人堂装饰设计工程有限公司


Today’s case sharing we would like to introduce you a SPA project located in Zhengdong New District. It is surrounded by high-end residential communities and shopping malls. We intended to meet the requirements from the client to upgrade and transform the SPA based on the existing stores, both due to the upcoming upgrade of consumer groups and the upcoming upgrade of the consumer experience. As we have noticed that the original spatial experience is far from the market demand and the owner's business model and indoor space are difficult to meet the customers who pursue higher experience.


Through the surrounding field survey and market research, we found that there are many load-bearing walls and cylinders inside the existing building, which leads directly to the overall space being scattered and fragmented. After serious consideration, a large sunken space was designed to allocate into all the trivial weighing walls and columns, and at the same time integrate the trivial weighing wall pillars with the functional plate.


In the process of spatial hierarchy, the designer uses the borrowing technique of Chinese garden landscape in the horizontal direction to create spatial interpolation relationship, which makes the different functional areas have more possibilities of interaction. In the vertical direction, lifting and sinking are used to strengthen the depth of the layers, while making the moving line of the space concise and clear.


In the lighting design, intentionally no light is set on the top, and the lighting of the space is all solved on the elevation and the ground. In this way, the visual focus of consumers is below the elevation, so as to create a light and luxurious space experience. On material selection, the design team uses wood in a large area, partially matches metal materials, and creates a light and luxurious feeling of space with lighting.



002--1F入口 洽谈区向南看

002--1F入口 洽谈区向南看



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